epa07291080 View of a shooting range in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 16 January 2018. The decree signed by Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, which makes firearms more accessible, has raised questions about its possible effects in the fight against violence. Possession of weapons was already regulated in Brazil by decree since 2004, but now the far-right ruler included a series of situations that allow greater access for civilians to have weapons in their homes or in their commercial establishments. EPA/Fernando Bizerra Jr
Photo: ΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕ
Το ζήτημα της οπλοκατοχής είναι μια συζήτηση που απασχολεί συχνά την κοινή γνώμη.
Η ιδιοκτησία όπλου ποικίλλει σημαντικά σε όλο τον κόσμο. Οι μόνες τρεις χώρες που θεωρούν την ιδιοκτησία όπλου ως συνταγματικό δικαίωμα είναι το Μεξικό, η Γουατεμάλα και οι Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες. Πάνω από 175 χώρες επιτρέπουν στους πολίτες τους να κατέχουν πυροβόλα όπλα, και πολλές έχουν ειδικούς κανονισμούς για την ιδιοκτησία τους.
Ορισμένες χώρες με τους πιο περιοριστικούς νόμους για τα πυροβόλα όπλα είναι η Κίνα, η Ινδία, η Ιαπωνία, η Σιγκαπούρη και το Βιετνάμ. Στη Βόρεια Κορέα και την Ερυθραία απαγορεύεται η κατοχή τους.
Με τα αυξανόμενα περιστατικά όπως αυτά των μαζικών πυροβολισμών σε σχολεία, χώρους λατρείας και καταστήματα, πολλοί άνθρωποι πιστεύουν ότι οι νόμοι για τα όπλα πρέπει να αναθεωρηθούν και να γίνουν πιο αυστηροί.
Οι δέκα χώρες με την υψηλότερη ιδιοκτησία όπλων (αριθμός πυροβόλων όπλων ανά 100 άτομα) βρίσκονται στην παρακάτω λίστα , όπως την κατέγραψε η ιστοσελίδα worldpopulationreview.com.
1. ΗΠΑ
epa08810381 A view of the New York Stock Exchange in New York, New York, USA, 09 November 2020. The Dow Jones industrial average gained over 1200 points during trading on 09 November as investors reacted to news about successful early trials with a coronavirus vaccine from pharmaceutical company Pfizer. EPA/JUSTIN LANE
Photo: ΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕ
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2. Νήσοι Φώκλαντ
epa00960799 (FILES) Recent file picture of Goose Green Settlement, the final objective of the 2nd Battalion Parachute Regiment. This was where the local population were held prisoner during the 1982 Falklands War. The Parachute Regiment liberated the local population after fighting in the most gruelling and brutal battle since the Second World War. The population were secured in the School House. The town was secured by B Company led by Major John Crosland who famously wore a black knitted hat throughout the battle. On 19 March 1982, the Argentine military junta seized control of the Falkland Islands triggering the milirtary conflict with Britain. EPA/Cpl Richard Cave RLC Crown Copyright: This image may be used for current news purposes only. It may not be used, reproduced or transmitted for any other purpose without first obtaining a copyright license available from the MoD, Crown Copyright Unit. ipr-cc@dpa.mod.uk
Photo: ΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕ
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3. Υεμένη
epa08911628 People wait for the arrival of the newly formed government cabinet, before the explosion that rocked Aden's airport, in Aden, Yemen, 30 December 2020. An explosion rocked Aden's Airport after the arrival of a plane carrying the Yemeni Prime Minister and members of his cabinet on 30 December. According to reports, 26 people were killed in the blast and more than 60 others were injured. EPA/STR
Photo: ΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕ
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4. Νέα Καληδονία
Photo: pixabay.com
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5. Σερβία
epa09204046 People walk past candles during the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial in Belgrade, Serbia, 16 May 2021. The International AIDS Candlelight Memorial is an opportunity to remember the people we have lost but also to honour those who dedicated their lives to helping people living with and affected by HIV. EPA/ANDREJ CUKIC
Photo: ΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕ
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6. Μαυροβούνιο
epa05870526 General view of the Podgorica City Stadium in Podgorica, Montenegro, 25 March 2017. Poland will face Montenegro in the FIFA World Cup 2018 qualifying soccer match on 26 March 2017 in Podgorica. EPA/KOCA SULEJMANOVIC
Photo: ΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕ
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7. Ουρουγουάη
Photo: pixabay.com
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8. Καναδάς
Photo: pixabay.com
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9. Κύπρος
Photo: pixabay.com
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10. Φινλανδία
epa08334291 A banner at the Three Smiths Statue reads 'Stay Strong' in Helsinki, Finland, 31 March 2020. According to the Johns Hopkins University, Finland has registered at least 1,418 COVID-19 cases, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. EPA/KIMMO BRANDT
Photo: ΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕ