Σπύρος Παολινέλης
Co-Founder & Partner at AMNIS Learning & Growth

Spiros, Founder and Managing Director of Blanchard Hellas since 2005, and Master Trainer on the de Bono Thinking Systems, is an inspiring Master Trainer and Coach with a 25-year experience from a successful career in Executive roles at large Multinational Organizations worldwide. Leveraging his expertise, he delivers leadership development programs, taking diverse and cross-cultural executives through a unique learning journey with proven results that enable organizations achieve their business objectives. Spiros is a resourceful, committed and out of the box thinker with a strong belief in the power of relationships and dialogue to guide an organization through change and eventually growth. Since 2005, Spiros has coached successfully more than 500 individuals at all levels, from team leaders to senior executives. His passion for building people’s capability, keeps him in a lifelong learning mode.